
Anja Musiat



Interscalene brachial plexus block
Expires After: Does not Expire

The indications of the interscalene block are:

Anaesthesia for shoulder surgery

Analgesia after shoulder surgery

Ultrassom Pulmonar B
Expires After: Does not Expire

Basic Lung Ultrasound in Portuguese.

Ultralydsvejledt perifer vaskul
Expires After: Does not Expire


FATE Grundlagenkurs
Expires After: Does not Expire

The Basic Cardiac Ultrasound (FATE) course in German.

Fokussierten Lungenultraschall
Expires After: Does not Expire

Basic Lung Ultrasound e-course in German

Comprehensive Perioperative TEE
Expires After: Does not Expire

TEE has a major impact on patient management during the perioperative period. It has become an evolving and indispensable tool in diagnosis of cardiovascular disease and hemodynamic assessment.

This course gives you the necessary knowledge to perform a comprehensive TEE examination so you can make the best possible decisions in the operating room and the ICU.

Essential Emergency Train the Trainer
Expires After: Does not Expire

Essential Emergency Ultrasonography is an entry level course for all physicians involved with emergency care.

The Train-the-Trainer course gives you all the information needed to conduct a good hands-on emergency ultrasonography course, including course plans, cases and pathologies.

Please contact us at info@usabcd.org for information on how to get the full training package.

Basic Perioperative TEE
Expires After: Does not Expire

TEE has a major impact on management and outcome of cardiac disease. It has also become an evolving and indispensable tool in the diagnose, hemodynamic assessment, monitoring and optimization.

This e-course is primarily dedicated to the thorax anesthesiologists,
thorax surgeons and cardiologists who are getting acquainted with the ”cardiac patients” in the operating room, ICU or emergency room.

Expires After: Does not Expire

Basic Cardiac Ultrasound (FATE) (Spanish)
Expires After: Does not Expire

Basic Cardiac Ultrasound (FATE) e-course in Spanish

Basic Cardiac Ultrasound (FATE) (Japanese)
Expires After: Does not Expire

Basic Cardiac Ultrasound (FATE) in Japanese.


Basic Lung Ultrasound (Japanese)
Expires After: Does not Expire

Introduction to Basic ABC Ultrasound for Medical Students
Expires After: Does not Expire

This course provides an introduction to the basic principles of medical ultrasound in basic lung ultrasound, basic cardiac ultrasound (FATE), the FAST protocol and ultrasound for peripheral vascular access.

By completing the e-course you will be optimally prepared for the practical training.

Central Ultrasound Guided Vascular Access
Expires After: Does not Expire

Central vascular catheterisation is a fundamental clinical skill in critical care.

Usually, it is easy and straightforward but when it fails, it can be life-threatening.

By completing the e-course you will be optimally prepared for the practical training.

Airway Ultrasonography
Expires After: Does not Expire

In airway ultrasonography the concept is focused ultrasonography. Compared to protocolized ultrasonography, it represents a paradigm shift as it applies specific parts of the systematic ultrasonography examination to solve specific clinical questions.

Only the necessary examinations are performed – and they depend on you and the clinical questions you ask in order to assess your patient.

Basic Ultrasound Physics
Expires After: Does not Expire

Basic understanding of ultrasound physics is crucial for achieving proficiency in clinical ultrasound.

This e-course presents the fundamental concepts of ultrasound theory in an easy, comprehensible and intuitive way using a minimum of mathematical terminology.

It explains the basic concepts of waves, sound waves, ultrasound, the ultrasound system, system and user controlled ultrasound imaging, ultrasound imaging artefacts, and patient safety.

Ultrasound Assessment of Gastric Content
Expires After: Does not Expire


Ultrasound for Peripheral Vascular Access
Expires After: Does not Expire

Vascular access is a basic skill for all clinical healthcare professionals. It is usually easy and straightforward to perform, but can also be very difficult and challenging.

The aim of this ultrasound guided peripheral vascular access e-course is to teach you how to place a catheter successfully inside a peripheral vein or artery using ultrasonography.

Focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST)
Expires After: Does not Expire

Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma (FAST) is a limited point-of-care (POC) ultrasound examination used solely to identify free fluid in the following clinical settings:

  • Blunt trauma
  • Unexplained hypotension
  • Penetrating trauma
  • Trauma in pregnancy
After completing this e-course, you will know how to:
  • Perform a FAST examination
  • Where to place and orientate the transducer for the four positions of the FAST protocol
  • How to obtain the standard views in each position
  • What to look for
  • How to determine if free fluid is present

The FAST e-course is a prerequisite for attending a hands-on FAST workshop. Please allow 3-4 hours to complete the course.

Essential Emergency Ultrasonography
Expires After: Does not Expire

The Essential Emergency Ultrasonography e-learning course abandons conventional protocols and focuses instead on the clinical yes/no questions you need to ask when you are dealing with emergency patients in daily practice.

The objective is to teach you how to use medical ultrasound like you use your stethoscope. It is relevant for all physicians taking care of patients with potentially life-threatening and time-critical conditions.

Ultraschall-gezielte periphere Gef
Expires After: Does not Expire

Der Gef

Expert Ultrasound Guided Regional Anesthesia
Expires After: Does not Expire

The expert ultrasound guided nerve blocks curriculum is for a specialist anesthesiologist who works dedicated with a high flow of ultrasound guided regional anesthesia on a daily basis and performs the basic and advanced nerve blocks routinely and is engaged in research and/or teaching of ultrasound guided nerve blocks.

The expert level blocks are performed using ultrasound +/- nerve stimulator nerve localisation, linear high-frequency or curved array low frequency probes, in-plane or out-of-plane approach, short +/- long axis target nerve visualisation, single injection or continuous catheter infusion technique.

Advanced US Guided Regional Anesthesia
Expires After: Does not Expire

Musculocutaneous nerve blockAdvanced ultrasound guided nerve blocks for analgesia of the neck & shoulder, upper & lower limb, and the trunk.

The advanced curriculum is for a specialist anesthetist who works with USG regional anesthesia on a daily basis and performs the basic ultrasound guided nerve blocks routinely and who wants to master a more comprehensive armamentarium of blocks.

All advanced ultrasound guided nerve blocks are also performed using ultrasound guided nerve localisation, a high-frequency linear probe, in-plane needle approach, and short-axis target nerve visualisation.

Basic Ultrasound Guided Regional Anesthesia
Expires After: Does not Expire

This course comprises a selection of safe and easily learned peripheral nerve blocks allowing effective perioperative analgesia for the majority of surgical procedures involving the upper and lower limbs and the anterolateral abdominal wall.

The course gives you an understanding the basic anatomy and sonoanatomy of the nerve blocks, how to perform them, and knowledge about the pitfalls.

Advanced Lung Ultrasound
Expires After: Does not Expire

The purpose of advanced lung ultrasound is to perform a comprehensive ultrasonographic assessment of the lungs and adjoining anatomical structures such as pleural cavities, parietal pleura, chest wall, supra- and infraclavicular regions, diaphragm, and mediastinum.

Basic Lung Ultrasound
Expires After: Does not Expire

In recent years, lung ultrasound (LUS) has become popular as a clinical point-of-care tool in a variety of settings. LUS can be used in a broad range of clinical settings: as a diagnostic tool, for procedure guidance, and for monitoring.

This e-course describes the clinical application of focused LUS (FLUS) in the evaluation of the critical care patient with respiratory problems and the use of ultrasound to include or exclude the presence of pneumothorax, pleural effusion and interstitial syndrome.

Please allow 4-5 hours to complete the e-course.

Advanced Cardiac Ultrasound (FATE)
Expires After: Does not Expire

FATE is an acronym for “Focus Assessed Transthoracic Echocardiography” and is the original focused echo protocol for all physicians. FATE is easily and quickly learned and can be applied in all clinical scenarios.

The Advanced FATE course will take you the final step in order to do a comprehensive cardiac evaluation of the critically ill patient.

FATE course – Basic Cardiac Ultrasound
Expires After: Does not Expire

Take this FATE – Basic Cardiac Ultrasound course and improve your patient care.

The FATE Cardiac Ultrasound Course – Focus Assessed Transthoracic Echocardiography (FATE) is the original focused cardiac ultrasound protocol practiced since 1989.

The FATE protocol is quick and easy to learn and can be applied in all clinical scenarios: the perioperative, the pre- and in-hospital, the intensive care and the emergency settings. 

A free sample of the course – ‘Postion 1: The subcostal view’ can be viewed HERE

This is what you’ll learn:

  • The normal sonographic features of heart and pleura
  • How to obtain the 6 basic FATE views
  • Eye-balling of right and left ventricular function
  • M-mode for assessing cardiac dimensions and function
  • The most important pathologies
  • How to interpret the echocardiographic findings

These basic echocardiographic skills are useful for physicians who are not specialists of cardiology, e.g. anaesthesiologists, intensivists, emergency physicians, internal medicine physicians, surgeons, general practitioners. In fact, all healthcare professionals dealing with hemodynamic problems in their daily clinic can benefit from knowing the FATE protocol.

Please allow 6-8 hours to complete the e-course.

Your patients will benefit from your new knowledge because FATE:

  • is quick and easy to perform
  • can be performed in the sitting position and in any location
  • is applicable in all clinical scenarios, e.g. pre- peri- and post-operatively, in intensive care, emergencies, resuscitation and so on.

Hands-on training

After completing the e-course you are ready to start getting experience in using the ultrasound machine. Completion is mandatory if you are going to attend a USabcd hands-on FATE – Basic Cardiac Ultrasound workshop. You can see all our hands-on courses in our workshop calendar.

The British Intensive Care Society has FICE approved the FATE protocol. Likewise, the FATE e-course covers the entire FOCUS curriculum. In other words, you can use the FATE – Basic Cardiac Ultrasound e-course as preparation for FICE, FOCUS and any other Point of Care cardiac ultrasound courses as it covers all learning objectives.

The FATE card

The FATE card is a pocket guide to obtaining the cardiac views. Learn more about it here.

The author

The author of the course is Prof. Erik Sloth, who invented the original focused cardiac ultrasound protocol practiced since 1989 (FATE = Focus Assessed Transthoracic Echocardiography).

Read more

FATE course in other languages

We have the FATE course in other languages too – German, Spanish, Portuguese and Japanese. Use the links below to go to those courses.

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